What makes some relationships last while others fizzle out? Are you getting married this year? Do you and your soon-to-be spouse have what it takes to make it 'til death do us part?'
To all my fellow sisters out there who cringe when they think of Mother's day because mom isn't around, I encourage you to start writing down your memories of her.
We have thought about possibly painting our home before we move in then we have thrown the idea around of possibly just painting room by room and taking it easy.
Since you can't catch her out on the streets these days I figured I'd hit you with some of the most encouraging and motivating things my Glammy has said to me, or around me. Yes, I listen.
I wasn't sure what I was in for when I started watching this video. As it unfolded I thought, wow this is really deep stuff. Like seriously this is standing in the shower deep thinking! Its advice to graduating seniors on what awaits you when you get out of high school / college. And it's deep.
Gather you kids around the computer screen let Uncle Stifler share a internet video with you that sounds like a bed time story. You might laugh, you might cry, who knows you might even learn something too.
Adele swept the Grammys and the Brit awards. She’s still breaking record charts and she’s the first artist to go double-platinum on iTunes. But despite all of her success, some people are having a hard time overlooking her weight.
Jennifer Hudson approached Adele backstage at the Grammys to congratulate her on her wins, but she started offering some fat girl advice...