Abandoned Louisiana: WWII Ammo Bunkers Reclaimed By NatureAbandoned Louisiana: WWII Ammo Bunkers Reclaimed By NatureExplore these Fascinating Louisiana Ammunition Magazine Bunkers from WWII That Have Been Abandoned And Reclaimed By Nature For DecadesScottyScotty
Yes, It's Legal To Purchase Ammunition From Texas Vending MachineYes, It's Legal To Purchase Ammunition From Texas Vending MachineUltimate convenience while at an indoor shooting range.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Louisiana Hunters Beware: Popular Rifle Cartridge RecalledLouisiana Hunters Beware: Popular Rifle Cartridge RecalledRemington Ammunition has announced the recall of one of the most popular deer hunting cartridges in the countryGary McCoyGary McCoy
President of Federal Ammunition Explains Real Reason for Ammo ShortagePresident of Federal Ammunition Explains Real Reason for Ammo ShortagePresident Jason Vanderbrink says, "we're making more hunting ammo than we ever have; we just can't keep up."Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Don’t Plan On Buying Handgun Ammo, Or Openly Carrying At WalmartDon’t Plan On Buying Handgun Ammo, Or Openly Carrying At WalmartAccording to a letter to Walmart associates from Doug McMillon, CEO of Walmart, they are discontinuing the sales of handgun ammunition in their stores.Mark CunninghamMark Cunningham
Shreveport Police on the Hunt for Dog Killing Home InvadersShreveport Police on the Hunt for Dog Killing Home InvadersSeveral dogs have been shot, and at least one has been killed by these callous criminals.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael