Crazed Woman Unbelievably Crashes Old Bus Into Louisiana SchoolCrazed Woman Unbelievably Crashes Old Bus Into Louisiana SchoolYesterday morning around 6:00 am, a Florida woman walked into a gas station in Mandeville carrying a blow torch and then the story gets really crazy.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Woman Gets Mugged During Interview [VIDEo]Woman Gets Mugged During Interview [VIDEo]This has got to be the definition of irony!JB FoxxJB Foxx
Pantie-Headed Bandit Strikes in Dallas [VIDEO]Pantie-Headed Bandit Strikes in Dallas [VIDEO]In what appears to be a combination of crime and fetish fantasy, a man in Dallas, Texas robbed an Exxon TigerMart while wearing a floral dress, white boots and with a pair of panties obscuring his face.Jeremy TaylorJeremy Taylor