Shreveport YMCA and Lifeshare Helping Child Battling LeukemiaShreveport YMCA and Lifeshare Helping Child Battling LeukemiaNine-year-old, Jude Elmore has had to go through 14 grueling blood transfusions in the last 6 months.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Lifeshare Donors will get Lottery Tickets When They Give BloodLifeshare Donors will get Lottery Tickets When They Give BloodIn case you were wondering, the jackpots are $410 million and $432 million respectively.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
American Red Cross in Critical Need of Type O Blood DonationsAmerican Red Cross in Critical Need of Type O Blood DonationsThe American Red Cross is encouraging anyone with Type O blood to make a donation.JessJess
What You Need to Know About Giving Blood After Vegas MassacreWhat You Need to Know About Giving Blood After Vegas MassacreIf you're like me, you want to help, but you're unsure of how.JessJess