Hey Louisiana, you might want to peek into those pockets of yours—you could be sitting on a small fortune in the form of a rare coin! Specifically, the 1943 Lincoln copper penny—it could be worth over $20,000!
There are currently five coins possibly in circulation in Louisiana that could be worth over $4 million dollars to collectors. Here's what you're looking for.
Check your pockets, Louisiana-- you may have a rare coin that's worth over $20,000. Here's what you need to know about the value of the 1943 Lincoln copper penny.
The old saying goes something like ... 'Cash Is King'. However, paying with cash is becoming a much harder thing to do these days and some Longview residents are taking notice.
Kroger will encourage customers that use cash to donate the remainder of their change that would usually come back as quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies to a charity