Own Your Very Own Talking Deadpool HeadOwn Your Very Own Talking Deadpool HeadThis has to be the weirdest 'Must Have' collectible on the market right now. PuffPuff
Meet The Creators Of Thanos & Gambit At The Same Comic ConMeet The Creators Of Thanos & Gambit At The Same Comic ConHaving these two icons in one room is going to be WELL WORTH the drive to Huntsville! Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
Lots of Batman News to Feast OnLots of Batman News to Feast OnFrom 'The Batman' movie to comic books, there's lot to talk about regarding the Dark Knight. PuffPuff
Like CW’s Arrow? Thank Mike Grell in Person at Geek’d ConLike CW’s Arrow? Thank Mike Grell in Person at Geek’d ConBefore Mike got a hold of the emerald archer, he was (in my opinion) a terrible character. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael