Somebody In Tatum, Texas Won A Million Bucks On A Lottery Scratch OffSomebody In Tatum, Texas Won A Million Bucks On A Lottery Scratch OffThe Quiet Town Of Tatum Is Making Noise Across The State After A Big Lottery Win!Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Guy Uses Grains of Rice To Make Us Realize We Can’t Begin To Comprehend 1 Billion DollarsGuy Uses Grains of Rice To Make Us Realize We Can’t Begin To Comprehend 1 Billion DollarsThis will explode your head.Buddy LoganBuddy Logan
Science Has Determined How Much Money it Takes to Make you HappyScience Has Determined How Much Money it Takes to Make you HappyThe sad fact about being happy is that money is somewhat required. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
What Can You Do to Make the Ark-La-Tex a Better Place to Live? #supportlocalWhat Can You Do to Make the Ark-La-Tex a Better Place to Live? #supportlocalNo place is perfect, but by feeding locally made dollars into locally owned and operated businesses we can make our communities so much better.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael