EPA Bans 2 Cancer-Causing Dry Cleaning Chemicals In TexasEPA Bans 2 Cancer-Causing Dry Cleaning Chemicals In TexasSince these chemicals have been in use for over 100 years they are finding their way into the water supply. Dan PatrickDan Patrick
Lakes Around Governor's Mansion Among Louisiana's Most PollutedLakes Around Governor's Mansion Among Louisiana's Most PollutedLouisiana's capitol building and Governor's mansion sit beside some of the most polluted waters in the state. Here's what's being done to remediate the situation. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Mysterious Tunnel in AbbevilleMysterious Tunnel in AbbevilleIt's located on South Henry Street and the guesses as to what it is are all over the place. Jude WalkerJude Walker
Home Cleaning Products That KILL The Coronavirus [VIDEO]Home Cleaning Products That KILL The Coronavirus [VIDEO]Covid-19 "has an envelope around it that allows it to merge with other cells to infect them. If you disrupt that coating, the virus can't do its job." Tara HolleyTara Holley