Get Ready for the Krewe of Centaur 2024 Golf TournamentGet Ready for the Krewe of Centaur 2024 Golf TournamentHere's everything you need to know about this year's Krewe of Centaur Vicki Mayence Golf Tournament in Shreveport, LA. BristolBristol
Join Shreveport's Krewe of Centaur for their Annual Golf TourneyJoin Shreveport's Krewe of Centaur for their Annual Golf TourneyShreveport's Krewe of Centaur promises that its annual golf tournament will be 'un-fore-gettable' in every way! BristolBristol
Grab Your Clubs and Par-tee with the Krewe of Centaur SaturdayGrab Your Clubs and Par-tee with the Krewe of Centaur SaturdayGet ready for a 'tee-rific' time with the Krewe of Centaur Saturday, October 9, 2021, for their annual golf tournament.BristolBristol
Swing a Club for the Louisiana Titans Softball TeamSwing a Club for the Louisiana Titans Softball TeamThe Louisiana Titans 2K9 Softball team invites you to participate in their inaugural golf tournament Saturday, November 16th! BristolBristol