Top 15 Most Famous Celebrities from LouisianaTop 15 Most Famous Celebrities from LouisianaThe list was comprised from internet search trends. Jude WalkerJude Walker
What is the Most Popular Shot in Louisiana?What is the Most Popular Shot in Louisiana?It's no secret that we know how to have a good in Louisiana. When we're out on the town blowing off a little steam, what is the go-to shot for Louisianians?Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
What is Louisiana Searching the Internet for This Valentine’s Day?What is Louisiana Searching the Internet for This Valentine’s Day?Not everyone is looking for gift ideas on this day of love. JessJess
Which Show Did Louisiana Stream the Most on Netflix in 2017?Which Show Did Louisiana Stream the Most on Netflix in 2017?We weren't alone in our streaming choice as two of our neighbors where also binging on the same show.JessJess
Top 5 Most-Searched Halloween Costumes on GoogleTop 5 Most-Searched Halloween Costumes on GoogleNot to stress you out, but we're less than three weeks away from Halloween. So what's your costume?JessJess
Which Louisiana Cities Are Already Prepping for Halloween?Which Louisiana Cities Are Already Prepping for Halloween?These cities have nothing but Halloween on their minds, one week into October.JessJess
How Does Louisiana Celebrate Fourth of July? [LIST]How Does Louisiana Celebrate Fourth of July? [LIST]We kick off July this weekend, so let's start celebrating the Red, White and Blue!JessJess
Does the Ark-La-Tex Care More About Father’s Day Than Other States?Does the Ark-La-Tex Care More About Father’s Day Than Other States?If we're already planning for the big day, I would say yes we do care more. JessJess
Which Valentine’s Gifts Are Most Searched for in the Ark-La-Tex? [LIST]Which Valentine’s Gifts Are Most Searched for in the Ark-La-Tex? [LIST]My rule for Valentine's Day is always KISS... Keep It Simple, Stupid!JessJess