What’s the Plan to Address Nursing Shortage in Louisiana?What’s the Plan to Address Nursing Shortage in Louisiana?Finance Committee OK's Plan to Address Nursing Shortage in Louisiana.Erin McCartyErin McCarty
Louisiana Prison Health Care is Unconstitutionally BadLouisiana Prison Health Care is Unconstitutionally BadThere is a fine line between a place so terrible that it serves as a deterrent to a life of crime and an inhumane hole we throw people in to forget about them.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
37,000 Louisiana Nursing Home Residents May be Evicted37,000 Louisiana Nursing Home Residents May be EvictedNursing home residents who rely on Medicaid to pay for their care could be receiving eviction notices as soon as this week.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Louisiana Scrapes Barrel When It Comes to Health CareLouisiana Scrapes Barrel When It Comes to Health CareHealth care seems to be a hot button of debate these days, but Louisiana could use some help.JessJess