One Third of Louisiana Residents Don't Want the COVID-19 VaccineOne Third of Louisiana Residents Don't Want the COVID-19 VaccineNearly half of the same people the poll surveyed said that they personally knew someone who died from the disease.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Louisiana Close to Herd Immunity? Expert Says NoLouisiana Close to Herd Immunity? Expert Says NoIf you believe herd immunity is the answer when it comes to returning to normal, Louisiana would have an extremely long way to go.Jay WhatleyJay Whatley
Scientists Now Say 78% Of Those Infected With COVID Have No SymptomsScientists Now Say 78% Of Those Infected With COVID Have No SymptomsIf most people won't know they have it, will they be counted in any statistics? If they were, how much higher would our infection rate be in Louisiana? Greg AtomsGreg Atoms