So long, Frank Underwood. President Claire is behind the Oval Office desk as House of Cards prepares for its final season with a busy first teaser, and nary a Kevin Spacey in sight.
The price of doing business with predators is high. A new Netflix earnings report from the end of 2017 reveals that the streaming giant took a staggering $39 million write-down in disbanding the relationship with Hollywood abuser Kevin Spacey, both in shortening the final House of Cards season and shelving the actor’s Gore Vidal biopic.
House of Cards hasn’t come forth with many updates since beginning to part ways with star Kevin Spacey, but there may yet be hope on the horizon. A new report suggests the Netflix drama will finally get back to work in December, albeit with some new crew.
Check it out for yourself and lend your support to this amazing effort. Together we can replace the groans of disappointment over this sexual abuse nightmare with howls of laughter when the president gets stuck in the secret White House bathroom.