It’s been two years since the role was first confirmed, but John Krasinski’s Jack Ryan finally has a 2018 assignment. The new Amazon take on the iconic Tom Clancy character will debut Labor Day weekend, but a new Super Bowl trailer is already here.
NBC is rarely one to learn the right lessons from success, so how best to follow a thriving Will & Grace revival? Why, undoing any goodwill from The Office series finale, of course, and plotting an official revival for the 2018-19 season!
We’ve seen John Krasinski put on his Batman voice for Jack Ryan, now let’s see him in action. Amazon drops the first official trailer for its new TV take on the iconic Tom Clancy character, ahead of a 2018 premiere.
You weren’t the only one with a hard time picturing Jim from The Office as CIA hero Jack Ryan, so is Amazon’s first footage enough to convince you? Get a glimpse of John Krasinski as the title character, putting on his best Batman voice to intimidate some insurgents.
When you watch this trailer you'll be all "awww." Then you'll be all "ooh." Then you'll be like "whhaaat?" Then you'll be all "LOLZ"
... Why am I talking like I'm 14? I don't know either.