
RUDE! 12 Things Texans Should Stop Doing Immediately at the Grocery Store
RUDE! 12 Things Texans Should Stop Doing Immediately at the Grocery Store
RUDE! 12 Things Texans Should Stop Doing Immediately at the Grocery Store
There are some behaviors many of us have seen that may immediately come to mind. Brazenly cutting in line is a HUGE no-no. That should be a given. Insulting people seems fairly obvious, but I've still seen it happen. Heaven help the person who goes after the last bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos when THESE people are nearby.
We Need Kindness Now More Than Ever
We Need Kindness Now More Than Ever
We Need Kindness Now More Than Ever
I woke up this morning to yet another line-up of brow-furrowing, heartbreaking headlines that can tempt one to either overdose on glazed donuts, go back to bed, or to begin to feel a creeping cynicism and apathy about all of the sadness going on around the world...