After 22 Years Redbox is Shutting DownAfter 22 Years Redbox is Shutting Down After 22 years, Redbox is shutting down. Wait - Redbox is still a thing? Iris LopezIris Lopez
A Beloved West Texas Convenience Brand Is Opening More LocationsA Beloved West Texas Convenience Brand Is Opening More LocationsThe Company Announced Plans To Expand And Open More Stores.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Vanishing Self-Checkout: Louisiana, Texas May Be Losing KiosksVanishing Self-Checkout: Louisiana, Texas May Be Losing KiosksSelf-checkout kiosks are disappearing in stores across America due to rising retail theft. Louisiana and Texas could be losing them too.Tracy WirtzTracy Wirtz
Tyler, TX Man Allegedly Kidnapped For $10,000 Ransom According To PoliceTyler, TX Man Allegedly Kidnapped For $10,000 Ransom According To PoliceA Wild Story From The Tyler Police Department About 2 Men Who Allegedly Kidnapped A Tyler Man.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Russia Threatens U.S. Targets With Nukes, 1 Could Be in LouisianaRussia Threatens U.S. Targets With Nukes, 1 Could Be in LouisianaRussia has threatened to use nukes before, and one of its possible targets could be in north Louisiana.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
Deputies Seize 24 Pounds of Meth Worth $200,000 in CrowleyDeputies Seize 24 Pounds of Meth Worth $200,000 in Crowley Deputies with the Acadia Parish Sheriff's Department seized 24 pounds of methamphetamines that were being transported in the city of Crowley, Louisiana.Tracy WirtzTracy Wirtz
Texas And Louisiana Ranks In The Top 3 Of The Safest States For Older DriversTexas And Louisiana Ranks In The Top 3 Of The Safest States For Older DriversA new study has revealed the states where the lowest percentage of citizens over the age of 65 are killed in road accidents.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Louisiana Life Span Shocking When Compared To Rest Of America Louisiana Life Span Shocking When Compared To Rest Of America Here in Louisiana we love our deep-fried foods and King Cakes which doesn't lend itself to a healthy lifestyle.Mikey OMikey O
What’s It Like Road Tripping Through the US Because of COVID?What’s It Like Road Tripping Through the US Because of COVID?You may only go an hour down the road, but that hour could take you to a completely different universe. Matt ParkerMatt Parker
Self Driving Long-Haul Trucks Are Now on the Road in TexasSelf Driving Long-Haul Trucks Are Now on the Road in TexasFor me, the worrying part is this: What happens when this tech is perfected and 3.5 million people are out of a job?Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael