Hammond Police Quiz NYPD Volunteer Officers on How to Pronounce Louisiana WordsHammond Police Quiz NYPD Volunteer Officers on How to Pronounce Louisiana WordsAfter a week's worth of hardships in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, two NYPD volunteer officers are here to make you smile.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
New Yorker Gets First Taste of Whataburger During Harvey Relief EffortNew Yorker Gets First Taste of Whataburger During Harvey Relief EffortThis fellow from New York got his first taste of the awesomeness we take for granted. Let's just say, he gets it now.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Explosion in NYC Show Worst in People, Man’s Act of Kindness After Shows Best [VIDEO}Explosion in NYC Show Worst in People, Man’s Act of Kindness After Shows Best [VIDEO}This act of kindness has gone viral and so should the advice of the man who did it. JessJess