The 40-Second Trick To Get A Song Out Of Your Head!The 40-Second Trick To Get A Song Out Of Your Head!Try it out for yourself and see if it does the trick!Iris LopezIris Lopez
A New Light at Intersections Could Help Louisiana Traffic FlowA New Light at Intersections Could Help Louisiana Traffic FlowThe familiar color code of our traffic lights may be changing in Louisiana and across the country, according to reports. Here's what experts say.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
These 8 Spiders Are Fine to Keep Around Your Louisiana HomeThese 8 Spiders Are Fine to Keep Around Your Louisiana HomeIn south Louisiana, there are some varieties of spiders that are actually beneficial! Here are some of them.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
Scientists Recommend Wearing These Colors During Solar EclipseScientists Recommend Wearing These Colors During Solar EclipseTwo specific colors will try to trick your eyes during the upcoming solar eclipse.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Daylight Saving Time 2024 - When Does Louisiana Spring Forward?Daylight Saving Time 2024 - When Does Louisiana Spring Forward?As Louisiana looks forward to an early Mardi Gras in 2024 many are wondering if that will that affect when we "spring forward" for Daylight Saving Time.Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Real Life Zombies! See These Animals That Can Actually Live After DeathReal Life Zombies! See These Animals That Can Actually Live After DeathWhether beheaded, brainless or cut in half, some of these animals and organisms can continue on after most would call them "dead".Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Could New Plan to Save Louisiana's Coast Be Deadly for Dolphins?Could New Plan to Save Louisiana's Coast Be Deadly for Dolphins?The move could also put fishing, shrimping, oyster-harvesting, and more seafood related industries in jeopardy as wellBrandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Would You Believe You Might Be Able to Breathe Through Your Butt?Would You Believe You Might Be Able to Breathe Through Your Butt?Don't get ahead of me here and start allowing the "butt breath" jokes fly, but at some point I'm sure that's exactly where your mind will wander.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Chica & The Bald Guy's Teacher of the Week is Windy HolbertChica & The Bald Guy's Teacher of the Week is Windy HolbertWindy was nominated by her best friend Kasey Thomas. Kasey has seen her bestie's tireless dedication to education and how much she loves her students! Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
New Study Pinpoints the One Thing That Makes Relationships LastNew Study Pinpoints the One Thing That Makes Relationships LastThese white-lab-coated Casanovas have found the most important factor for keeping your relationship strong and happy.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
NASA Scientists Behind Latest Mars Rover Need Your KidsNASA Scientists Behind Latest Mars Rover Need Your KidsThe space agency has this advice for kids “Engage [your] curious minds, get a good science education and come help us solve problems.”Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
LSU Shreveport Researcher Discovers 7 Coronavirus VariantsLSU Shreveport Researcher Discovers 7 Coronavirus VariantsThe Virus is changing. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael