We’re closer than ever to Stephen Colbert’s Late Show debut on September 8, and while George Clooney’s guest appearance gave a marquee head start, the full guest list for Colbert’s full week offers a much clearer view of the new series. Everyone from Jeb Bush to Elon Musk and Amy Schumer will fill out the ranks, with musical guests on deck as well.
Jon Stewart said goodbye to The Daily Show last night in equal parts star-studded and quiet, personal fashion as former correspondents like Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Olivia Munn returned to pay their respects, while Bruce Springsteen closed out the slow with a performance — at Stewart’s request — of his 1999 song “The Land of Hopes and Dreams” and, for his fellow New Jerseyan, “Born to Run”.
Apparently Stephen Colbert is getting warmed up for his new gig as host of CBS's Late Night by stopping by a public-access TV station in Monroe, MI and taking over as host of the station's Only in Monroe talk show. But get a load of the "local Michigander" who dropped in for an interview...
Stephen Colbert is the replacement for David Letterman on CBS, so what is he up to now a days? Sporting one heck of a beard. Oh, and filming this, his first video on as the host of the Late Night show on CBS.
We’re still feeling out a world post-Late Show With David Letterman, but Stephen Colbert is already gearing up and shaving down for his big debut. The former Colbert Report host finally ditches his Colbeard in prep for the September debut, and you may never look at hot dogs the same way again.
What does America love? Yard sales! What else does it love? Stephen Colbert! You can see where this is going, right? A beautiful, messy combination of the departing 'Colbert Report' host and a lot of seemingly priceless junk.
Stephen Colbert has already begun making the final rounds of ‘The Colbert Report’ in preparation for his new CBS ‘Late Show’ hosting gig, but don’t expect David Letterman to vacate the chair just yet. The longest-running late-night host has officially set a departure date for May 2015, bringing an end to ‘The Late Show with David Letterman’ as we know it.
"Stephen, you've been taking a lot of shots at my job, I decided I'm going to go ahead and take a shot at yours."
'The Colbert Report' host Stephen Colbert has been teasing his biggest show ever for awhile now, including a stopover in Washington, D.C. and a long-form chat with President Barack Obama, but even he can't possibly have foreseen how that event would turn out. Essentially, it resulted in the talk show host losing his job...to President Obama, who swept on to stage and hijacked the show from an aghast -- but totally willing -- Colbert, only to put his own spin on what it means to host a political chat show. Does Colbert have something to worry about? We vote yes.
America's most patriotic newsman and late night host, Stephen Colbert's interests tend to run quite firmly to the red, white, and blue, so it should come as little surprise that the funny man is obsessed with Marvel's own Captain America. But he's not just run-of-the-mill, "oh, I like comic books" obsessed -- he's obsessed enough to land his very own Captain America cover, which he shared with 'Late Night' host Seth Meyers last night.
Stephen Colbert takes issues with a lot of things on 'The Colbert Report' -- old people making new friends, the Second Amendment, and graphics that aren't blatantly American enough. The funnyman is also permanently on edge when it comes to the possibility that Hillary Clinton will run for president and her constant name-dropping, especially as it litters her new book, 'Hard Choices.' It's just egregious! How can she possibly have so many friends? And when does she find the time to hang out with all of them?