Shreveport Police Arrest Man for Stolen FirearmsShreveport Police Arrest Man for Stolen FirearmsUpon investigation, officers found an AR-style rifle and a pistol in his backpack.Rueben WrightRueben Wright
Shreveport Felon Arrested in Possession of a Stolen FirearmShreveport Felon Arrested in Possession of a Stolen FirearmOfficers contacted John Morgan (7-28-02) who was reportedly found to be in possession of a stolen firearm.Rueben WrightRueben Wright
Shreveport Drug-Bust Leads to Discovery of Stolen GunsShreveport Drug-Bust Leads to Discovery of Stolen GunsOn July 15th, 2022, members of the unit conducted an investigation in the 2700 block Waggoner Avenue leading to the seizure of drugs and guns.Rueben WrightRueben Wright
Bossier Mom Calls Cops After Finding Gun in Son’s BackpackBossier Mom Calls Cops After Finding Gun in Son’s BackpackAround 9:00a.m. Friday (7/2/21) Bossier City Police were called to a residence and they couldn't have been ready for the nature of the complaint.Rueben WrightRueben Wright