Ah, the age-old question: what should I get my kid's teacher as a gift? Perhaps a nice shiny red apple? Kidding. I think this is actually pretty simple. Something that's useful but not overly expensive and shows them that you care and appreciate their dedication to your kiddo's education. Alternatively, you could always pitch in with your fellow parents to help pay for supplies in the classroom throughout the year! Onto the list!
"...last year she made sure all her kids had pajamas for polar express day, and she gets Christmas gifts for all of her kids as some of them don’t get Christmas."
If it is true that "you only get what you pay for", then what do we expect to get from the next generation of school teachers in the State of Louisiana?
Now that classes are being tentatively planned for the near future, and distance learning entering the picture as well - we're asking more from these teachers than ever.