Family Guy's Seth MacFarlane guested on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to play a round of "Wheel of Impressions". Who wound up winning? We did, my friends...we did!
Jack Black guested on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and the two did a pretty-close-to-perfect recreation of the video to Extreme's 1991 video for "More Than Words". We'll post both versions and let you compare.
Kristen Wiig dropped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon for a surprise visit as the Game of Thrones character Daenerys Targaryen (aka Khaleesi), and it's a blast watching them barely keep it together as she answers questions about the show and her character whom she knows sooo much about...
Age of Adaline star Blake Lively appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Tuesday, and took part in a game called "Say Anything" where you take turns saying basically any word that comes to mind. But, you cannot repeat a word or go blank, or otherwise, you get a piece of tape on your face. If you get three pieces on your face, you lose.
Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren is used to giving acceptance speeches, but leave it to Jimmy Fallon to help add a comedic twist to the traditional speechmaking by adding helium balloons. Jimmy joined her as they both took hits of helium and some double-entendre laced hilarity followed, as you'll see in this clip...
On Wednesday's "Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon", we got served a tasty '90s flashback with a reunion of (most of) the cast of "Saved By the Bell". Jimmy took us all on an awesome trip to the halls of Bayside High to relive some classic moments with the cast...
The editing savants at "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" do it again with the long-awaited return of "MC B-Dubs" (also known as NBC News anchor Brian Williams) and his rendition of Snoop Dogg's "What's My Name?"
"The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" is doing a week of shows in Los Angeles, and what better way to kick things off than to pay tribute to one of TV's best loved shows about L.A. In the cold open , Jimmy is joined by The Roots for a tribute to the opening theme to "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"...
Gwyneth Paltrow stopped by "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" and helped Jimmy give current rap hits by Drake, Nicki Minaj and Big Sean the Broadway treatment. One question: Is Jimmy really playing the piano?
Jimmy Fallon does it again! He brought back fan favorites The Ragtime Gals and invited guest Steve Carell (Golden Globe nominee for Best Actor in a Drama for "Foxcatcher") for a rendition of Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing".