Target’s Car Seat Trade-In Event Returns Sunday, April 22
Target is looking to recycle your old car seat, while you “upcycle” to a new one.
At this point in my life, I don’t have kids, but I have seen the endless song and dance that comes with a car seat through the lives of my cousins. And by “song and dance”, I’m not just talking about getting the that device in and out of the car. I’m talking more about buying the latest and greatest in safety, only to find out that those features are obsolete six months later. Or your kid just outgrows that seat before you get your money’s worth.
Target says, “no more.”
Once again, Target will be offering their Car Seat Trade-In Event this spring. This is your chance to turn in that old car seat and receive a discount on a new one. It’s all done in three simple steps, according to Target.com.
1. Bring in your old car seat
2. Trade it in at Guest Services and receive a 20 percent off coupon
3. Pick out your new car seat or stroller, using the coupon
That’s it! Target will make sure your old car seat is recycled through Waste Management. Meanwhile you will be well on your way to savings, not to mention an upgrade. All stores, except for the small-format stores, will be participating in the program. Just look for the drop-off boxes at Guest Services.
Since 2016, when the program launched, Target has recycled more than 176,000 car seats. Typically the materials donated are made into “grocery carts, plastic buckets and construction materials such as steel beams and carpet padding.” This has been made possible through their partnership with Waste Management.
Target’s Car Seat Trade-In Event is Sunday, April 22 through Saturday, May 5.