If you don't have a wine-derful hashtag for your National Drink Wine Day picture did you even celebrate National Drink Wine Day?

Let's be real, you're going to drink wine today and you're going to take a picture doing it. Whether it's just a snap of a glass with the Netflix show your binge-watching glowing in the background or you cheers-ing with friends at your favorite restaurant/bar, a wine pic will happen and when it does you'll need the perfect hashtag.

Let's start with the basics, because no matter what you post you're going to need something along the lines of:

  • #NationalDrinkWineDay
  • #NationalDrinkWineDay2019
  • #DrinkWineDay

You know, so other winos can find and like your pic.

Once you have the basics down you can amp up your hashtag game with something punny:

  • #Wine
  • #WineNot
  • #Winederful
  • #20Wineteen
  • #TimeToWineDown
  • #WhereTheresWineTheresAWay
  • #IMakePourDecisions
  • #ItsWineOclock
  • #YouHadMeAtMerlot
  • #EverythingHappensForAReisling
  • #StopAndSmellTheRose
  • #Chardonheeyyy

Now you are well on your way to a perfect National Drink Wine Day pic. The only thing left to do is post it and enjoy that glass of wine, you deserve it!


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