The Christmas Movie We Can Watch All Year Round is… How the Grinch Stole Christmas, What Else Made the Top 5?
No matter what time of year, you'll find us watching one of these movies.
It's that time of year when we are surrounded by Christmas movies. They're in theaters, they're on television, they're all over your friends' lips. It's what we love about this time of year.
It's tradition to go see a Christmas film on Thanksgiving day in my family and it dates back well before I graced this Earth with my presence. I remember going to see "Jingle All the Way" with Arnold Schwwarzenegger and Sinbad.
So I asked you last week which Christmas movies do you watch all year round? Despite the fact that they are designated as holiday films, you adore them enough to enjoy them in the spring, summer and fall. According to my survey, coupled with social media responses, the Christmas films we are most likely to watch all year round are...
1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
2. The Holiday
3. A Christmas Story
4. The Santa Claus
5. Other
Apparently, I'm not original since I said How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but I do love The Holiday. It's a lovely rom-com no matter what time of year it is. Unfortunately I haven't actually sat down to watch A Christmas Story from start to finish so I guess that's on my bucket list this year.