Wal-Mart Pulls Out of Proposed Bossier City Location
Wal-Mart has decided not to build a new Super-center in Bossier city, according to the Shreveport Times. The proposed area near Wemple and Airline, was annexed to the city in June of last year. Wal-Mart petitioned to have the land re-zoned for retail soon after in a bid to build yet another store in Bossier City.
Seeing that the city annexed the land because of Wal-Mart's intentions, the question is now: what to do with the land now? Options are being formulated now, but the city does plan to develop it.
Personally, I would like to see something besides a huge chain like Wal-Mart. Don't get me wrong, I shop at wallyworld (shout out online grocery). But I think we have quite enough of them here already. What we need are small, unique business that offer something you can't get at Wal-Mart or any chain for that matter. Maybe a delicious, local coffee shop - for example.
Hint Hint, nudge nudge.