Warning: Some Americans Put Ketchup On Ice Cream And Other Strange Foods [LIST]
Today, while surfing the internet, I came across a study where the results made me want to physically vomit.
Buzzfeed ran a story that showed basically we American's love ketchup,but some of us love it a little too much. Look, I enjoy ketchup on a lot of stuff, mainly French fries and burgers, and it looks like most of us are the same.
86% of people put ketchup on French fries and 85% put it on burgers, according to the survey. After those two foods though, things get downright disgusting.
Check out how sick some of us are!
1. Fried chicken, 42% put ketchup on it.
2. Scrambled eggs, 37%.
3. Potato chips, 14%.
4. Pizza, 13%.
5. Steak or pot roast, 10%.
6. Pasta, 8%.
7. Nachos, 5%.
8. Chinese food, 3%.
9. Pancakes, 2%.
10. Ice cream, 1%.
So tonight, I brought the family to Grub Burger Bar on 70th for dinner. I even tried a little ketchup with my chocolate shake, which is pretty much ice cream, and it was, without a doubt, the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth. How can human beings actually put ketchup on this stuff and it not be because they lost a bet?