What on Earth is Micro-Cheating?
Diving into my guilty pleasure that is the fabulously scandalous articles on Cosmopolitan, I learned a new term. The article was titled "11 Signs He is Micro-Cheating". Curious what it meant I researched it.
Urban Dictionary states that it is when someone cheats just a little bit. The example they gave was, "It was just a kiss..."
Upon further research I found BOLDE, it is all about perception and what the individual person sees as going just a little too far. For example, a random person sends you a message on Facebook saying your cute or sends you a picture and you respond with a little winky face saying I am taken, but you're cute. It doesn't seem like such a big deal, but it is about the perception.
Bodle explains several signs to look out for:
- Making suggestive comments to other people
- Offhandedly jokes that you shouldn't trust them
- Still close with all of his exes
- Keeps your relationship secret
In my opinion, this is a silly concept. Cheating is cheating. Whether you are sending flirty text messages or having a hot and steamy shin-dig on the side it is all the same.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary states that the definition of CHEAT is as follows:
transitive verb
1: to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud cheated the elderly couple out of their property
2: to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice a young man who cheated young women into marrying him when he was already married
3: to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting cheat death
intransitive verb
a : to practice fraud or trickery denied the accusation that he cheatedb : to violate rules dishonestly cheat at cards cheating on a test
b: to be sexually unfaithful —usually used with on was cheating on his wife
c: to position oneself defensively near a particular area in anticipation of a play in that area the shortstop was cheating toward second base
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