Who’s Got Spirit? High School Graduation Song Poll Winners!
Graduation is getting closer and closer! Cases of the much anticipated "Senioritis" have been on the rise across the Ark-La-Tex, and I love it. It wasn't that long ago that yours truly was listening to a speech about how sharp the corners are on the mortarboard cap, and that I would have to use extreme caution when throwing it. FYI, I used little to no caution. I flung that little square hat like a ninja star I was trying to stick into the sun.
Now it's the Seniors of 2017's turn to unleash their hard earned and robed glory into the world, and we wanted to make it special. Last week we gave you the chance to vote for the 3 high schools with the absolute most spirited senior classes, and boy did you take advantage of that opportunity! Thousands of votes were cast, and now we have 3 clear winners:
3rd place - With 10.78% of the vote......
The North Caddo High School Rebels!
2nd place - With 18.63% of the votes is....
The Haughton High School Buccaneers!
1st place - And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, a high school that won the popular vote in a landslide with a whopping 47.06% of the ballots is...
That's right, Parkway High School totally slayed it! Every school that made it will be featured in the updated Graduation Song we blast on K945 during graduation season!
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