Why Heart Emojis Are Flooding Facebook
You might have noticed some friends on your Facebook posting a heart emoji as their status and then others commenting a heart under their post. Don't worry it isn't something to be worried about it is to spread awareness for breast cancer.
Post a heart on your female friends' Facebook walls, then send a private message explaining that the heart is a subtle reminder to get their breasts checked for lumps. Then, the goal is to cause a ripple effect—your friends posts hearts on their friends' walls, their friends posts on other friends' walls, and so on. They're also supposed to post the heart on the same woman who sent them the message. -Health.com
The heart emoji trend is a "silent" way of spreading awareness. According to Health.com, the trend is not helping with prevention.
The trend has been stirring up some controversy. Critics on social media find the whole concept offensive, concerned it’s turning breast cancer into a game. Others say the cryptic message is too opaque to do any good, and argue it's counterproductive to try spreading awareness about a condition by staying silent. Rather than use this subtle tactic, some suggest it would be more effective to post something more direct, like a simple "Check your breasts."
There is nothing wrong with speaking up for a chaos. I personally believe that any form of spreading awareness is great. Just take Becky Hamer from Australia. That is how she found her cancer.
Breast Cancer is something I hold very near and dear to my heart. My mother was diagnosed last year. She found the lump at a regular visit, and now encourages me to check for lumps and to tell my friends to do the same.