Woman Rope-Dances Outside a 17th Floor Window in Dallas [VIDEO]
File this one under, "Awesome, but what the heck??"
That's my thought after watching the clip. Yes, of course, it's insanely awesome, but what exactly is going on here. Imagine this... You're hanging out high atop the Regions Tower in downtown Shreveport. You take a peek out of the window to take in our lovely scenery. Then, out of no where, you see a woman in a dress literally rope-dancing outside of the window.
I cannot possibly imagine what that would be like to see with my own eyes.
Our neighbors about three hours to the west got to see it firsthand.
Somebody on the 17th floor of a Dallas high-rise filmed a woman outside the window who's suspended by some kind of rope harness. She's swinging back and forth while doing ballerina and acrobatic-type moves.
She even notices she's being watched and moves a little closer to say hello.
You have to see this!