You Can Sign a Petition for National Trick-or-Treat Day
An online petition that started in 2018 has resurfaced and now it's gaining a whole lot of traction. The petition's goal is to get the government to change the date of Halloween from October 31st to the final Saturday in October. Pretty sure this is all happening because parents don't want to take their kids to trick-or-treat on a weekday. Can you blame parents?
The petition on Change.org to change the date of Halloween has racked up over 150,000 signatures. It is pretty clear the government won't budge and move the date of Halloween. Because of that, there's a new petition from the Halloween & Costume Association is out to create a new holiday on the last Saturday of October called "National Trick or Treat Day".
According to USA Today National Trick or Treat Day is described as "A day for families and communities to come together by throwing block parties, community events, costume contests, parades, walks and runs, trunk-or-treating and daytime trick-or-treating as well,"
If National Trick-or-Treat day goes through, would you make your kids trick-or-treat on that day instead of on Halloween? As of now, it has been added to the National Day Calendar website, so perhaps several Americans will start celebrating that day.
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