
These GIFs of Animals Exercising Make Us Humans Look Lazy
These GIFs of Animals Exercising Make Us Humans Look Lazy
These GIFs of Animals Exercising Make Us Humans Look Lazy
Sometimes it's tough for people to find motivation to exercise. There's all that sweating, and tiredness, and panting. Not pleasant! Animals? That's a whole other story. Check out these GIFs of dogs, cats and other animals working out. We wish we had such dedicated gym partners.
A Chihuahua’s Hilariously Cute Reaction to Being Offered a Bath
A Chihuahua’s Hilariously Cute Reaction to Being Offered a Bath
A Chihuahua’s Hilariously Cute Reaction to Being Offered a Bath
Chihuahuas (pronounced: chye hoo-a hoo-a by people who think it's funny to mispronounce things) are just like just about every other dog: the idea of a bath is not pleasant. You don't have to be a dog whisperer to figure out what this dog thinks about the prospect of bathing...
These 13 Yawning Animals Could Be the Cutest Thing of All Time
These 13 Yawning Animals Could Be the Cutest Thing of All Time
These 13 Yawning Animals Could Be the Cutest Thing of All Time
Feeling a little sleepy? Is that fifth cup o’ joe not cutting it for you today? It’s OK, these animals know how you feel. Everyone hits that mid-afternoon (or mid-morning) slump sometimes, and furballs are no exception. We’re talking about the days where yawn attacks are never-ending, and we might’ve fallen asleep at our desk for a quick sec. It happens.
Cat Worried and Confused by Kitten Ring Tone, Cuteness Ensues
Cat Worried and Confused by Kitten Ring Tone, Cuteness Ensues
Cat Worried and Confused by Kitten Ring Tone, Cuteness Ensues
Here's Toby the cat. Toby is just laying there minding his own business when he hears what sounds like a kitten in distress. The reaction is awesome. Toby calls out for the kitten trying to help, but it's just a cell phone's ring tone. Super cute...

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