National Anthem

Wait…Kazakhstan exists?! [VIDEO]
Wait…Kazakhstan exists?! [VIDEO]
Wait…Kazakhstan exists?! [VIDEO]
You know, I'm a big lover of fails. But this is the fail of them all. You could say, this fail is the "king of the castle" of fails. Apparently there was a big championship in Kuwait recently, and Kazakhstan was so proud when their shooting team took home the big metal...
7 Singers Other Than Christina Aguiera Who Flubbed the National Anthem
7 Singers Other Than Christina Aguiera Who Flubbed the National Anthem
7 Singers Other Than Christina Aguiera Who Flubbed the National Anthem
Christina Aguilera has the right kind of voice to belt out a memorable national anthem. Unfortunately, her performance at Super Bowl XLV will be remembered for the wrong reason. As you’ve probably heard, Aguilera flubbed the anthem, forgetting the lyric "o’er the ramparts we watched." Aguilera is far from the first person to botch the Star Spangled Banner. Check out last night's flub an