4 New Harry Potter Books Coming This Summer From JK Rowling
If you are a Harry Potter fan, hold on to your sorting hat - there are new books coming from JK Rowling! According to the bombshell statement released on the official Pottermore website, 4 new books penned by the creator of Harry, Hermonie, Ron, and Hogwarts will be available to muggles June 27th as eBooks available on Amazon, Apple, and Kobo. Witches and wizards presumably already have copies.
The 4, new editions to the official HP universe will allow true potter-heads to delve deeper than ever before into the fantasy world's lore. The Harry Potter: A Journey Through series focuses on history, notes, manuscript pages, sketches, and more essential to the story of the boy who lived. Although the books do not feature a new story or new characters to the cannon, they will shed light on some of the lessons and experiences that our favorite characters encountered in the 7 books (plus 8 original and 2 new movies). The first 2 books, Harry Potter: A Journey Through Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, Harry Potter: A Journey Through Potions and Herbology, are set to be released first with Harry Potter: A Journey Through Divination and Astronomy, and Harry Potter: A Journey Through Care of Magical Creatures to follow soon after.
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