Are There Popular Parts of Shreveport You Won’t Visit No Matter What?
The violent crime numbers in our city keep growing. With more shootings in Shreveport in the last week the city has reached a murder total for the year of 63.
In fact, in the eyes of many, one of the most recent tragedies - a shooting Sunday in which two died - took place in one of Shreveport's most public places, one of our most widely traveled intersections.
Details from KEEL News:
Two people have died in a shooting in Shreveport's Cedar Grove neighborhood. This happened on West 70th near Linwood where two people were shot and a few minutes later a woman was shot on 70th near Gilbert. Two of the shooting victims have died.
The intersection of West 70th and Linwood, near the Linwood Public Charter School, is hardly a barely traveled back street or alley way. Rather, that roadway is as densely populated with people as vehicles most of the day. And on top of that, the shootings took place in late afternoon, in broad daylight.
Which brings us to our Question of the Day. As Shreveport's violence spirals more and more out of control, where spending time in the city's most public places grows increasingly dangerous, are there parts of the city that, no matter how busy and bustling, you would avoid?
Let's be more specific. Would the threat of being caught in a crossfire keep you from traveling down 70th Street? Has the city reached the point of public violence that there are busy thoroughfares that you would add twenty more minutes to your trip to steer clear of?