Brees Circle Petition Gaining Momentum in New Orleans
If you've been to New Orleans, you might be familiar with Lee's Circle. It was removed last year and now fans want to see Drew Brees in it's place.
I am in 100% on this. This needs to happen, and I hope that it eventually does.
I'm sure you remember the drama surrounding New Orleans last year and it's removal of all confederate monuments city-wide. That was a big deal, but all monuments were removed and life moves on. Once they were removed, many wondered what could possibly go in their place.
Specifically, what could take General Lee's place at Lee's Circle?
To be completely honest with you, I don't think they could find a better option than Drew Brees. The guy lives and breathes New Orleans, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a more loved person in the entire state. I would go down and visit Brees Circle on it's very first day of existence.
If you want to join the petition, click HERE.