Busch Beer Has A New Dog Brew!
(Feature photo sourced from twitter.com/buschbeer)
Wait. Beer for DOGS? Well not exactly beer, no. But Busch Beer thinks your dog will love it as much as you love beer.
It's called Dog Brew by Busch. This "beer" is actually a delicious-to-your-dog beverage made from bone broth and it a festival of flavors that may appeal to the discerning dog palate. Ingredients include corn, basil, mint, turmeric, pork, water, and a bit of ginger.

Hey, that sounds kinda interesting. Can humans take a sip of this celebratory brew with their dog? Busch says, yes you can. But don't expect to enjoy as much as they claim your dog will. In fact, it may come across as rather bland to you and me. Unless you're a dog reading this, of course. (Hey, it could happen one day.)
If you'd like to share the moment with your dog, feel free to pop-the-top on your own can after popping-the-top on their dog brew. Similar can, though much different contents. You can pour the Dog Brew in their drinking bowl OR you may pour it on their food as a softener.
Busch Beer does want to stress that although the concept is similar, please make sure not to err and pour actual beer in their bowl--that's NOT good for them.
This Dog Brew is filled with nutrients that your dog needs, and delicious, too. Next time you've had a hard day and want to share a drink with your best friend, now you can.
Forbes reports "the launch coincided with National Dog Day. Busch Dog Brew will be sold strictly online, at $9.99 for a pack of four. As of right now, the brew will not be available in stores."
In addition, "$1 from every case of six four-packs will go up to Best Friends Animal Society."
The Dog Brew has been so popular, they're currently SOLD OUT. BUT, you can learn more about the brew and get on their waiting list here.
I have a feeling Friday nights will be never be the same for Fluffy.
Hey Fluffy, drink responsibly. ;)
KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies
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