Caddo Parish DA And Sheriff’s Office Host Gun Buyback Program This Saturday
I am a big fan of gun buyback programs. It's a great way to get guns off of the street, and give thugs (and wannabe thugs) the opportunity to change direction before they do something really stupid. Before we get all up in "arms" about the 2nd amendment - you must realize this is great for gun lovers and gun haters alike. These are the guns most likely to be used committing crimes. That means less crime, safer communities, and a better reputation for responsible gun owners. We will be less likely to be lumped in with the criminals.
If you have a fire arm you would rather not be in possession of, it's easy to turn it into cash! Place the questionable pieces in the trunk of your car. They need to be unloaded (obviously), and there is a limit of 2 guns per car. Just drive up to the Morning Star Baptist Church Life Center at 5340 Jewella Avenue in Shreveport, anytime this Saturday between 9am and 1pm. You will receive $300 for "Assault-Style" rifles, $100 for .380 or larger semi-automatic pistols, or $50 for small caliber, revolver, rifles, or shotguns. If you have any non-working guns or ammo, they will take those too! If you are thinking that's a little cheap for firearms, just remember 2 things. First, there is no negotiating. Second, if you have a gun in your possession that you shouldn't - the money is a bonus! Getting rid of a gun that could at best land you in jail, and at worse get you and/or the ones you love killed - is a blessing!