Cara Center to Train Shreveporters to Spot Signs of Abuse

One of the unfortunate side effects of our current quarantine crisis is the sharp rise in cases of child abuse. Across the board, it seems like the stress of being confined to our homes combined with soaring unemployment and the obvious uncertainty over what we do next to get back to normal has pushed lots of folks to the breaking point. Far too many times, that means that someone is lashing out at a child.
For children alike trapped in situations like this, it can seem like there is no escape - but that's where you come in. The Cara Center in Shreveport has announced that it will be providing free training for individuals who want to help. The center will show you how to recognize the signs of child abuse, and exactly what to do about it in order to save them.
If you don't take the proper steps, in many cases you could actually put the child in question in more danger - that's why the 2-hour class is so important. According to KSLA, officials at the Cara Center are now working on a way to bring this class online so that even more people can be on the lookout for kids in need.
If you do suspect that a child is being abused, officials are urging you to call the DCFS Child Protection hotline right away at 1-855-452-5437 - the phone lines are open 24 hours a day.
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