Chica & The Bald Guy’s Teacher of the Week is Renee Shelton

Every week, Chica & the Bald Guy search the Shreveport/Bossier City area (commonly referred to as the SBC) for your favorite teacher. Every single person who chooses the teaching lifestyle does so knowing that they will most likely never get rich for it. The fearless men and women that face a class full (or more) of our kids day in and day out deserve much more than they get - especially now.
Teachers had to find some way to continue teaching our (and their own) kids, and they did it. Without knowing how, they figured it out. That is a bonafide miracle when you consider that a lot of us can't wrap our heads around it enough to help them! Now that classes are back in session, and adding distance learning to the mix - we're asking more from these teachers than ever. That's why it's more important that ever that we recognize their passion and dedication.
It is in that spirit that we seek to recognize one educator a week who goes above and beyond the call of duty for her students! This week, the exemplary person we are recognizing as The Chica & The Bald Guy Teacher of the Week is Word of God Academy Teacher Renee Shelton!
Renee was nominated by Lauren Jackson. Lauren is a busy mom of 3, and is pretty sure Renee is an angel who's just really good at hiding her wings. Here's what she had to say:
We live in a day and age where teachers have so much on their plate, and have so many expectations of them that sometimes its hard for them to go the extra mile they would want to. But then there is Mrs. Shelton. To know her is to love her. Her smile can turn your whole day around. She loves ALL the kids. Mrs. Shelton always goes out of her way to do whatever she can for whoever she can, but especially her little loves. Rather it is in the classroom or not. Mrs. Shelton came into our lives at the start of the 2020 school year, and what a year for God to bless us with such an Angel! Rather it was making sure my little one knew her sight words, picking ALL THREE of my girls up from my work when schools were shut down so that they could go and play for the day, FaceTiming them when they are having a hard time, or being the person that helps ME when I am confused on how to handle academic issues with my little ones, it doesn't matter she is always there and happy to help. She not only does an amazing job and loves everyone even better, but she makes it all so much fun for the kiddos that they absolutely love going to school.
Congratulations, Renee Shelton - you are Chica & the Bald Guy's Teacher of the Week. Not only do you have our respect and admiration, you have also been awarded a $50 gift card good at Notini's restaurant!
Nominate the most amazing teacher you know for next week's Teacher of the Week Award!
Teachers of the Week 2020
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