Lady Gaga's controversial SXSW performance, which saw her being vomited on by a performance artist while performing 'Swine,' has drawn its fair share of criticism. Demi Lovato, who is the de facto spokeswoman for the issues that affect our youth, took to Twitter to accuse Gaga of glamorizing eating disorders with her antics and behavior.

Lovato seemed genuinely incensed by Gaga's puke performance. Gaga herself has admitted to having eating disorder issues -- remember Body Revolution? -- and Lovato has been vocal about her own battle with self-harming, allowing her fans and young girls to learn from her so as not to make the same mistakes.

So the singer was understandably appalled by Gaga and her projectile partner Millie Brown using vomit as an expression of art.

Lovato's tweets are below. She does call herself a little monster and straight up says she is not throwing shade. This is not a personal attack on Gaga's music, but one on her presentation.

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