Deployed Local Soldier Spent Christmas Saving A Stray Overseas
While most of us are lucky enough to spend Christmas at home with our families there's those who are serving our country and defending our freedoms overseas. Not only are they fighting for America a video is spreading of US Army Soldiers this Christmas fighting for our four legged friends.
Posted above is a video of Army E4 Infantry Specialist Seth Moses which we were sent by his step father of Seth removing bot flies out of a puppy. Seth and his unit are stationed in Africa when just before Christmas they found a stray puppy badly in need of help. Not only did the soldiers feed, water and rid the dog of the flies but they've also adopted the k9 which they later named Krash.
Seth's step dad said he was "born in Denton TX, raised partially in Bossier/Spokane/Paris/Lubbock and he has been deployed since Oct." While Seth and his unit don't get to spend this Christmas with their families I think it's safe to say they have many many back home with them in their hearts... Not to mention the life saving Christmas they gave to Krash the puppy.