Does the Ark-La-Tex Care More About Father’s Day Than Other States?
If we're already planning for the big day, I would say yes we do care more.
It feels like we just celebrated our mothers and now we are getting ready to celebrate our fathers. Don't worry, Father's Day is not this coming Sunday. It falls on June 18 this year which means you still have time to plan just how you want to make dad feel special. Many of us have already started that process.
At least according to Google.
One look at Google Trends over the last 30 days can tell us which states are already looking key terms in relations to Father's Day like gifts, money, crafts and more. Plenty are still looking to Google to tell them what day Father's Day actually falls on. In addition to ideas, we can see which states are searching Father's Day more than others.
Apparently Mississippi is really jumping the gun.
But the Ark-La-Tex is not far behind. In fact, when looking at the states with the most interest (searches), Louisiana came in at number 5, while Arkansas is number 18 when we checked on Friday, June 2. I'd say if these states are already consulting the world wide web for ideas, then they probably care just a little bit more about the holiday. Or they really messed up mother's day and they don't want to repeat that with pops.
Oh and if you're wondering where Texas came in. Well... they're number 50. So, I guess the feelings aren't completely mutual across the Ark-La-Tex. Come on, I'm just poking some fun.
Of course, this is a fluid chart that's always changing, so take that with a grain of salt.
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