DOTD Work Crews Taking Advantage of Stay-at-Home Order
If this concept doesn't sum up the way the government operates I don't know what does. The Governor of Louisiana has issued a Stay-at-Home order. The Louisiana Department of Transportation has announced that it will be sending more work crews out, from their homes, to go to work. Let's see, stay at home means more going to work, yeah, it all makes perfect governmental sense.
Actually, the concept makes really good sense and I appreciate La DOTD seizing the opportunity to get a lot of work done while fewer vehicles are on the roadways.
DOTD has announced that over the next two weeks more crews will be on our state's highways picking up litter, removing debris, trimming back overhanging limbs, and mitigating the overabundance of weeds and vegetation. I would imagine jobs like that can be done more efficiently and certainly more safely with less traffic around the job sites.
That being said, there will still be plenty of us on the roadways over the next couple of weeks. I would hope that you would honor all of those road construction and work zone signs, especially the ones that ask you to reduce your speed. Let's please be extra careful when we drive in and around those work zones because I know those road crews would like to return to their homes while you're supposed to be staying at home.
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