February 20th is national 'Love Your Pet' day and in case I've missed something, that would be TODAY!!! You already know I'm the crazy horse lady on the radio, but I'm also the crazy dog and cat lady, too... Except I'm married and I don't wear mumus and yell at squirrels in my yard... Yet!

With that being said, I love my pets. They're my sweet fur babies and each one of them has their own distinct personality! Today, I honor my four legged friends!

Bella is our sweet baby! She's just over a year old and she's a bull mastiff. We got her from my friend Christine and her husband after chatting with them at an early Black Friday sale. She was a present to my husband for Christmas last year and she's truly the gift that keeps on giving. I can't tell you how much we love our sweet girl!


We have no idea what Cam is. A friend sent out pics of what they thought was a long haired golden wienie looking to find him a furever home. We showed up to people's house who were fostering him and he was clearly no long haired golden wienie! He was too darn cute, so we took him home anyway. They called him 'Cam' because he's a nice camel color. All attempts to get him to respond to a different name have failed, thus he's Cam our 'Blonde Bomber!' He is in no way is named after Cam Newton. I want to make that crystal clear!


Meet Mikey aka Mike the Tiger. He of course is an avid LSU fan and loves yelling at the TV with dad while the Tigers play!

Mikey and Keith at the Wiener Dog Races 2011
Mikey and Keith at the Wiener Dog Races 2011

Meet Crackhead and Lortab... they're my two kitties and yes, those really are their names. I told you they each have distinctive personalities. Lortab or 'Lorrie' always acts like she's high and can stare at a ceiling fan for hours. Crackhead or 'Crackie' is twitchy, jumpy and spastic. Think Chris Tucker in Friday. The girls are sisters from the same litter and were officially Keith and I's first babies together.


You know I can't leave out the ponies, right? Here we go!

This is Under Pressure. He's an super sweet Thoroughbred that I've had since he was 5 years old. This horse got me through the death of my father and has a forever home!


Paisano is my saving grace. This guy is wicked talented and came to me almost 4 years ago. He's an ex-jumper who was originally imported from Europe. I got him from a well known rider in Florida via one of his buddies in Carencro, LA. Despite ongoing health issues last year, he still the best decision I've ever made.

Ann Switalski
Ann Switalski

Meet Captain who's racing name was Captain Crane. He's an 8 year old off track thoroughbred who raced for 5 years before coming to live with us. I've never seen a horse adopt to the lifestyle of being a cherished pet so quickly. I'm afraid all of our coddling is ruining him for his other mommy Julie Norman. I can't wait to see them galloping across the cross country course and taking home the big ribbons (and prize money!)


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