Girls Can’t Play Pool Fundraiser This Weekend
If you are having the urge to go play pool this weekend, then you are in luck! Because there is a fundraiser pool event over at Goodtime Billiards on Barksdale Boulevard in Bossier City at 11 am.
According to the event page on Facebook, this fundraiser is to help send the 2018 8-Ball Ladies City Champions to the 2018 APA World Championships.
The name of the event is what grabbed my attention: "Girls Can't Play Pool Fundraiser". Clearly, these ladies can play pool because they are city champions. I can't play pool, but these ladies are obviously killing it in the pool department.
Mentioned on the event page, "Tournament is 9 ball, 14 SL limit heavy hitter. We will have food, raffle items, prizes, and $1 Jello shots! $40 entry per team goes to the fundraiser and calcutta goes to winning teams. Doors at 11, calcutta at 1."
There will also be food and door prizes. Why not have a fun day with some friends playing pool and also help out the local female pool league?