Hater App Reveals The Most Despised Food in Louisiana
Louisiana must also hate me because I love this food.
In the world of Jess, I've never come across a cookie that I did not like. I'm not sure how you could hate on cookies. They're used to cheer people up, celebrate, show affection... They're the most versatile of treats and you can customize them like no other.
Unless you add raisins.
That's where the cookie love is ruined for the state of Louisiana. According to the dating app Hater, which matches people based on the things they hate, "Cookie with Raisins" is the most despised food in our state. It sounds bonkers to me, since I love oatmeal raisin cookies, but I guess the bright side is that if you are looking for love and you hate raisins, then you have a pretty good chance to finding your soulmate right here in the Boot.
Hater found a most despised food for each state based on the data they've collected on the dating site. You can see the rest of the map here.
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