Here’s How to Directly Help Local Teachers This School Year
Back to school drives are coming to an end as students in some areas start back in the classroom this week but there's still things needed for the school year. It's a sad fact that many classrooms are underfunded and with that directly impacting our future generations it's just unacceptable. Luckily though we've found an amazing website used by teachers to fill the needs of their classrooms it's called Donors Choose.
Teachers are able to put their exact needs on the site along with their school and grade they teach for you to help. Then through crowd funding they're able to get the funds for things they'd never otherwise be able to get. From books to headphones to robotics there's some pretty amazing things being added to our kids classrooms because of this website.
Browse through local teachers HERE and there's a good chance you just might stubble upon your child's teachers need!