HOT DOG! You Can Drive a Wiener!
Turns out your dream job does exist. Relish into the possibilities of all you can eat hot dogs and a really good Instagram account. You driving all over the country in a wienermobile and unlimited hotdogs would make you the biggest success story of your hometown! We have questions. Is it all you can eat hot dogs? Do I get a really cool outfit to match my wienermobile? Do I get a wienermobile whistle? What's the pay? When can I start?
Oscar Mayer is looking for a Wienermobile driver, but they don't call them drivers, they call them Hotdogger's! Oscar Mayer will be taking applications until January 31st. Oscar Mayer describes their Hotdogger as a “goodwill ambassador” for the company. In order to apply you need a BA or a BS, in public relations, communications, journalism, advertising or marketing. If you are outgoing and love a good hot dog, you could be the next Hotdogger. Click here to get all the information to apply for the Hotdogger position.
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